Get Involved

Make a difference today

Our conservation efforts are only possible thanks to the dedication and generosity of loyal supporters.
Join them and help ensure the future of Africa’s gentle giants and the habitats critical to their survival.


Take a look at the many opportunities we have for you to get involved.

Anti Poaching Fund

Due to poaching incidents in our area, we purchased a Bat Hawk light surveillance aircraft. The Bat Hawk assists in conservation efforts by conducting safety, security, anti-poaching patrols, and associated conservation work such as game counts, darting from the air, and location of wounded animals for the wider Mabula area, some 50 000 km2.


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Sponsor a DNA Test

We are creating a DNA database of the South African elephant population to safeguard the future of the species.  Firstly, A DNA database is important for monitoring inbreeding and the predisposition of disease. Secondly, being able to link ivory to specific elephants in specific areas assists authorities in identifying poaching hotspots.


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Walk with Elephants

The Rory Hensman Elephant Research and Conservation Unit hosts an annual Walk with Elephants Event. Our goal is to raise awareness about the significant contribution these elephants are making towards various research projects.


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Here’s what your donations could help us achieve


Purchase a bale of hay to feed one elephant for one day


Help feed children in the nearby community that has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.


Fund an Elephant Interaction experience for a rural school to help educate and inspire children


Fund a DNA test for one elephant to help authorities in identifying poaching hotspots.


Fund one anti-poaching flight with our Bat Hawk plane, helping to protect local wildlife.


Fund the care of an “Adventures With Elephants” elephant for one month.

from online store

Shop a select range of Adventures With Elephants Merchandise online.



Coming Soon

Limited edition elephant-kiss prints

Stunning elephant kiss prints on recycled art paper. Each kiss created exclusively for you by one of the Adventures With Elephants herd.


Coming Soon

Gentle Giant
Gin and Beer

10% of profits donated to  Rory Hensman Conservation and Research Unit from the sale of Gentle Giant Gin and beer.


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a partner

We are proud of our corporate relationships, which helps us reach new audicnces.




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a family of elephants

Adopt the Adventures With Elephants herd for yourself or as a gift




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Wish List of
much-needed items

Our wish list is made up of much-needed items that we use every day. Items from this list will make an immediate and long-lasting difference to our conservation and education goals.


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